Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Life... and then some!!!!!

The 22nd I turned 46.......... I know I am OLD, Who would of thought I would get this old .... Chris said i should get a part time job in the museum, ..... as a display piece.
And my son turned 11 yesterday.
I have known my son longer than most of my friends.
All excepted for my best friend, my wife, who this October the 8th I will have known for 21 years.
Don't expect me to go on and on with a wise essay , All I have is a pithy quip,.....
" Go for the ride.... or get out and walk! "

Friday, September 12, 2008


We lost internet connection on sunday, and after two days of calls, being on hold, talking real slow to someone who did not speak english, we were told it was the modems fault, and that it would take 5 to 7 days to have a new one sent to us for free but with a $19.95 shipping charge......., so we made the switch to comcast.
At first you would think it would be easy to switch..... all you have to do is go to the comcast store and get you new cable internet modem, come home and hook it up.
Well let me tell you........... hooking it up to the wall and the computer was no sweat.
But to make it work, you first have to teach your computers how to connect to the internet,then you have to teach them to remember how to connect to the internet, then you have to teach them about your new e-mail and about how to find your new e-mail internet connection, and how to remember your new e-mail account and how to find your new e-mail account, then tell everyone you want to have e-mail from about your new internet connection and your new e-mail account, and then remind them that the old e-mail address is not working, then you have to tell your old e-mail address to send all of your e-mail that everyone has sent to your old e-mail address to your new e-mail address, then you have to go through all your accounts, every place that you use you e-mail address and teach them that you have a new e-mail address......and on and on it goes.
Change is bad. Or am I just getting old?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Boy oh Boy, What a Week! and a half.

My wife and son returned this week from the frozen state of Minnesota. They get to go there once a year to visit the family. They went to the Como Zoo,( where they saw an Orangoutang) and went to the state fair,
They say that there was no snow, but I guess you have had to have been there to say " that ain't so".
I spent the week with a cold flu bug that I just could not shake. Being Self-unemployed makes for a real long week.
By Labor Day I was well enough that I could go to The Steven's house for a cook out and a game of 40k, (They are the best host's you can think of..... besides us... ) we had a great time.
I do not have pic's of the game...... but I did beat Sir Daniel in a game of 40k, I took 9 of 17 kill points and he had 3 of 14 kill points, ( that is not boasting, after at least ten straight losses to the G.I. Joe's) and the dinner was great. We watched Firefly after that and they had to shoo me away after two shows. I worked on some Eldar, but not enough to take pics of.
Now the wife and son are home safe, the dog has stopped looking at me funny.( what did you do with the Momma and the Bubba ?) Life is back to "normal".