Monday, October 27, 2008

The second Sandcastle


This is our first attempt at building sandcastles.
Front view.

The view of the ocean from the castle.

Sunsets at the Beach

Master N going for a saturday night stroll.

This is the sunset the second night.

This is the first night we were in Panama City, the air was warm the waves low and quite, the ocean looked like a lake.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Black Reach Commander

This is the only thing I've finished this past week.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Things that are on my table.

I'll start with an overview.
Over the weekend I built a paint pot holder for my paint pots... I got the idea from Chris's paint pot holder. And rearranged my work space so it would hold my new paint pot holder.
I finished the wave serpent for the dire avengers. Still working on the base.

Next I have a bunch of black reach space marines

A couple of filthy orkses

And some green eldar guardian to go with the green wave serpent, and some brightly painted harlequins.

I'm just poking along, a little here and a little there. I'm not in a mad rush to finish any one project to get onto the battlefield.